From Pup to Perfection: Understanding the Beagle Size Chart by Age

Beagles are a medium-sized breed of dog that are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and playful personalities. If you are a beagle owner or considering getting one, it is important to understand how their size changes as they age. Knowing what to expect in terms of their weight and height can help you provide appropriate nutrition and care for your furry friend.

The Importance of Understanding Beagle Size Changes

Beagle Size Chart by Age

Understanding how a beagle’s size changes as they age can have several benefits for both the owner and the dog. Firstly, it allows the owner to provide appropriate nutrition based on the beagle’s specific life stage. For example, puppies require different types and amounts of food than adult dogs do.

Knowing when a beagle reaches adulthood can also help an owner adjust their feeding schedule accordingly. Additionally, understanding how a beagle’s size changes can help an owner anticipate any potential health concerns that may arise during different life stages.

For instance, overweight beagles are at risk for several health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and joint problems like arthritis. Keeping track of your beagle’s weight through its lifespan could prevent these issues from happening.

Beagle Size Chart for Puppies

The Average Weight and Height of a Beagle Puppy at Birth

Beagle puppies are small at birth, typically weighing between 5 to 9 ounces. Their height is usually around 6 to 8 inches tall. The size of the puppy can vary depending on the size of the litter, genetics, and the health of the mother beagle during pregnancy.

How Their Size Changes During the First Few Weeks of Life

During their first few weeks of life, beagle puppies experience rapid growth. Within a week or two after birth, their weight may double or even triple.

By three weeks old, they are starting to walk and explore their surroundings. As they grow older and more active, their muscles will develop and their body shape will start to change.

Beagle Size Chart By Age Up to 12 Month

AgeSmaller Beagle (13″ & Under)Larger Beagle (13-15″)
1 Month2.5 – 4.5 lbs (1.1 – 2 kg)3 – 5.5 lbs (1.4 – 2.5 kg)
2 Months5 – 8 lbs (2.3 – 3.6 kg)6 – 10 lbs (2.7 – 4.5 kg)
3 Months7 – 12 lbs (3.2 – 5.4 kg)8 – 14 lbs (3.6 – 6.4 kg)
4 Months9 – 15 lbs (4.1 – 6.8 kg)11 – 18 lbs (5 – 8.2 kg)
5 Months11 – 18 lbs (5 – 8.2 kg)13 – 21 lbs (5.9 – 9.5 kg)
6 Months13 – 21 lbs (5.9 – 9.5 kg)15 – 24 lbs (6.8 – 10.9 kg)
7 Months15 – 24 lbs (6.8 – 10.9 kg)17 – 27 lbs (7.7 – 12.2 kg)
8 Months17 – 27 lbs (7.7 – 12.2 kg)19 – 30 lbs (8.6 – 13.6 kg)
9 Months19 – 30 lbs (8.6 – 13.6 kg)21 – 33 lbs (9.5 – 15 kg)
10 Months21 – 33 lbs (9.5 – 15 kg)23 – 36 lbs (10.4 – 16.3 kg)
11 Months23 – 36 lbs (10.4 – 16.3 kg)25 – 39 lbs (11.3 – 17.7 kg)
1 Year25 – 40 lbs (11.3 – 18.1 kg)27 – 42 lbs (12.2 – 19 kg)

It’s important to keep in mind that this chart only provides an estimate of what your beagle puppy’s weight may be at a certain age. Factors such as diet and exercise can also play a role in how much your puppy weighs as they grow older.

Read :- The Beagle That Looks Like Snoopy: A Brief Introduction

Beagle Size Chart for Adolescents

The Average Weight and Height of a Beagle During Adolescence (3 Months to 1 Year)

Beagle puppy

During adolescence, which begins at around three months and lasts until about one year old, beagles undergo significant growth. At three months old, the average weight of a beagle is around 9-11 pounds, while their height averages around 10-13 inches at the shoulder. By six months old, most beagles weigh between 18-20 pounds and stand roughly 13-15 inches tall.

At nine months old, the average weight is approximately 22-25 pounds with a height of 14-16 inches. By one year old, most beagles have reached their full height and weigh between 22-30 pounds.

How Their Growth Rate Slows Down During This Time Period

During adolescence, it’s important to keep in mind that a beagle’s growth rate starts to slow down compared to their early puppyhood stages. While they are still growing and changing rapidly during this time period, it isn’t quite as fast as it was before. It’s important not to overfeed your adolescent beagle during this time period in an attempt to help them grow faster or stay as small as possible – instead aim for healthy growth rates that will ensure they reach their full potential without putting any unnecessary strain on their developing skeletal system.

Beagle Size Chart By Age And Hight Up to 5 years

Age (months)Male Beagle Weight (lbs)Female Beagle Weight (lbs)Male Beagle Height (inches)Female Beagle Height (inches)
48 – 147 – 1310 – 139 – 12
615 – 2313 – 2012 – 1510 – 13
820 – 3118 – 2813 – 1611 – 14
1021 – 3323 – 3614 – 1712 – 15
1225 – 4027 – 4215 – 1813 – 16
2428 – 4430 – 5016 – 1914 – 17
3630 – 4733 – 5417 – 2015 – 18
4832 – 5035 – 5718 – 2116 – 19
6033 – 5237 – 6019 – 2217 – 20

It’s important to remember that these are simply average weights and heights, and individual beagles may fall outside of these ranges depending on a range of factors including genetics, diet, and exercise levels. It’s also worth noting that if you have any concerns about your beagle’s growth rate or size during adolescence, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that everything is progressing as it should be.

Beagle Size Chart By Age for Adults

Weight and Height of an Adult Beagle

After a year, beagles reach adulthood, and their size stabilizes. The average weight of an adult beagle ranges from 20 to 30 pounds, with males weighing slightly more than females.

Their height at the shoulder usually ranges between 13 to 15 inches for both males and females. However, some beagles may grow taller or heavier than the average due to genetics, diet or health issues.

Continued Size Changes in Maturity

Although adult beagles’ size is stable compared to their rapid growth during puppyhood and adolescence, they may experience slight changes as they reach maturity. For instance, some may gain a little bit more weight due to decreased activity level or diet changes as they age. Also, older beagles may develop arthritis or other joint problems that can affect their mobility and overall size.

Chart or Graph Illustrating Adult Beagle Sizes

A chart or graph is an effective way of visualizing how the size of adult beagles varies based on their gender and age range. The data should include the typical weight and height ranges for adult male and female beagles at different ages beyond one year.

For example, you could have a chart with five lines representing five different stages of adulthood (1-2 years; 2-4 years; 4-6 years; 6-8 years; over eight years). Each line shows how the average weight and height gradually change within that stage.

Understanding how a beagle’s size evolves from puppyhood through adolescence into adulthood is crucial for pet owners who want to ensure their dog’s good health throughout his life span. By monitoring your Beagle’s growth rate regularly through vet checks-ups along with proper diet, exercise, and care, you can ensure that your furry friend develops to their optimal size and stays healthy.

Factors That Affect Beagle Size

Beagle size can be affected by various factors, including genetics, diet, exercise, and health issues. Understanding these factors is crucial in ensuring your beagle grows to its full potential and maintains a healthy weight throughout its life.


Genetics play a significant role in determining the size of a beagle. The breed standard states that adult males should weigh between 22-25 pounds and stand 14-16 inches tall at the shoulder, while adult females should weigh between 20-23 pounds and stand 13-15 inches tall at the shoulder. However, it is important to note that there can be variation within the breed based on genetics.


A beagle’s diet also plays a crucial role in determining its size. Overfeeding your beagle can lead to obesity and health problems.

On the other hand, underfeeding can result in stunted growth and malnutrition. It is recommended that you feed your beagle a balanced diet of high-quality dog food appropriate for their age and activity level.


Exercise not only helps keep your beagle fit but also contributes to their growth rate. Regular exercise promotes proper bone development and muscle growth. Lack of exercise or too much exercise can negatively affect their growth rate or cause injuries that may impact their size.

Health Issues

Certain health issues such as hypothyroidism or malabsorption syndromes can affect your beagle’s ability to grow properly. These conditions may lead to stunted growth or abnormal weight gain/loss if not addressed promptly.

Understanding factors that affect beagle size such as genetics, diet, exercise and health issues is essential to ensure your beagle grows to their full potential and maintains a healthy weight throughout their life. A balanced diet, proper exercise, and regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to maintaining a happy and healthy beagle.


Understanding Your Beagle’s Growth Rate

It is crucial for pet owners to understand the typical growth rate of their beagle puppy. By tracking their weight and height during each stage of development, owners can ensure that their beagle is growing at a healthy rate. A slow or rapid growth rate can indicate underlying health issues that may require veterinary attention.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Exercise

Proper nutrition and exercise are essential components to ensuring a healthy growth rate for your beagle. Providing a balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent obesity and other health problems that may impact their size. It is important to work with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate diet and exercise routine for your specific beagle.

Celebrate the Unique Characteristics of Your Beagle

While it is important to understand the average size range for a beagle, it is also important to celebrate the unique characteristics of your individual dog. Just like humans, each dog has their own genetic makeup, which can impact their size, shape, and overall appearance.

Embrace these differences as part of what makes your furry friend special. Tracking your beagle’s growth rate by following a beagle size chart by age is an important aspect of responsible pet ownership.

By understanding how they grow and develop throughout different life stages, you can provide them with proper nutrition and care that will ensure they stay healthy throughout their lives. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s growth or overall health.